Sunday, August 31, 2008

One Whole Year

I just realized last night that as of today, it's been exactly a year since I moved to Ashland. It honestly doesn't seem like that long ago! I still remember Brennan helping me load up all my stuff into Jason's truck, driving down here, and carrying it all up the stairs into Sara's old room. I stood exactly where I am right now, staring at the walls and trying to imagine what it would all look like when I made it my home. Well, now I know. 

Total time lived here: 1 year
Total rent paid: $3,000
Total times I've been locked out and had to climb out on the roof and crawl in through my window: 5
Total house-sitting gigs: 3
Total times the eggplant has peed on my bed: 6
Total awesome homemade pizza parties thrown: 3
Total college degrees earned: 1 (#2 is currently in progress)
Total jobs held: 5
Total times I've walked places instead of driving: lots and lots 
Total fights with roommates: 0
I'm pretty happy about that last one. Here's to a couple more awesome years in this town! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dude My Brother Is Famous

Apparently I'm now a proud sister. That didn't sound too convincing, did it? YAY! I'm so proud of him!!! That's better. Usually boys go off to Hollywood or Nashville to be rockstars, but Brennan went to Michigan. What's in Michigan, you might ask? Well, to be honest, I have no idea. But they toured America, shot a video, and did some other stuff. I think. Can you tell he didn't call me much? Then he moved back home and is doing. . .some other stuff. (He still doesn't call me much.) Yes, I'm definitely a proud sister. Here is the video they shot - Brennan is the guitar player on the left. 

And here's another one of them just being silly boys!