Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vanilla-Scented Eggplant

It's 7:29 p.m.. For about the past 20 minutes I've been trying to do some reading for class, but I keep getting distracted by the Eggplant. She's sitting on the coffee table next to a burning candle, just staring at it. For a while she was lying next to it, then she sat up and looked directly down at it. Fascinating! A little piece of fire! She has no idea what to do. It's hilarious. She pawed at the flame a couple of times, and I had to warn her to not get burned. She looked at me and seemed to understand. Seriously, how could she be so intensely focused on something for so long! Literally like a half an hour, just staring at a burning candle! I'm pretty sure she's retarded. I mean, "kitten with a disability". She does tend to run into things a lot. And sometimes she walks sideways. I'm thinking we should stop playing fetch with her on the kitchen linoleum and making her slam into the cupboards. . .nah.